
 Hello readers, welcome to another blog. Today's blog is all over digital marketing. Today you

 will get complete knowledge of digital marketing in this blog and today in this blog I will tell you

 about digital marketing from beginning to end. In this blog, you will get complete information

 about digital marketing from A to Z. In this, I will tell you what is the history of digital marketing,

 so let me start. This is digital marketing from the very beginning, it could not have been 

possible without the Internet, when the Internet came, the Internet changed our entire life.


    So let's talk about the Internet, let's know something about the Internet. Yes, I know all of you

 know about the Internet, yet from the beginning, I will tell you the history of the Internet. 




(What is internet?)

  Internet is a network that connects one human's computer to another human's computer with 

the help of internet, whether the person is anywhere or from any country. It is the Internet which

 each other's computers via(TCP: -Transmission Control Protocol) Or IP (IP: -Internet 

Protocol) Connects

        Now that you know what the Internet is, a question must be coming in your mind that who 

made the Internet?. Who also created the Internet after seeing that?



(Who Invented the Internet?)

Sir Tim Berners-Lee discovered the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1989. And he's British 

computer scientist(computer scientist)



(When did the internet come to India?)

The first publicly available Internet service in India was 15-August 1995 the state-owned. Videsh 

Sanchar Nigam Limited on (VSNL) .


Now we all know about internet. So now we come to the topic of Digital Marketing. In today's 

era, digital marketing is the weapon that if you all learn, you can do the greatest client in your

 possession. And you can take the business of this digital marketing to its peak. Now I know that 

after hearing these words, you are thinking that how can I do this digital marketing? Where can I 

do digital marketing? What kind of jobs can be found if we learn digital marketing? And what 

kind of business can I set if I learn digital marketing? How much do I have to spend in doing a 

digital marketing course? I know all these questions are echoing in your mind and mind now. So

 my friends, don't think so much. On top of this, remove all these questions from your mind. Now

 you must be thinking why? Hey my friends I know Human mind and mind are surrounded by 

many questions. I just want to tell you, do not think so much, your friend  Technical 

Vishwakarmaji is present here for you, to tell you, to teach you, to show you a path, to make 

your move like the path of your destination for. Think of me as your teacher or your close friend,

 brother, or friend. I am always with you to teach you. So let's talk about digital marketing. If 

seen, digital marketing is also made up of two different words. First digital and second 


These are both different words. So I know you are all teaching here. So it is very important to 

give you complete information and to get you complete information. So now we will know and 

talk about digital. So let's know about digital. What is digital? What is the meaning of digital? 

(What does digital mean?)

 On hearing the digital word, it seems that these are some amazing words. But I want to tell you

 as much as it sounds wonderful. These are equally amazing words. Let me explain this 

meaning to you in very easy words.

                    What does digital mean? Will read carefully. In earlier times 

people did not have internet service. And as of today, people did not have technology before. 

For example, let me tell you, as before, we used to complete the transactions of the banks 

before going to the bank or if we had to send money to someone, then we would deliver it by 

post or by a person. And if a person had to send a message to another person, then he would 

send it by post.

          Previously, we could not connect with people outside the country due to lack of 

technology. There were many other things that could not have been done without technology. 

But today's era has moved forward a lot. In today's time everyone has internet service and in

 today's time everyone has a smart phone which we also call mobile and many devices like 

computers and laptops are available today. And in this time of today, with the help of these 

devices and the Internet, the tasks which we previously found difficult, have become very easy 

in today's time. For example, earlier people had to go to the bank to do the work of banks and 

one had to take postal or the help of a person to get money from one place to another.


But now

 it is not like that today people have internet and a smartphone, with the help of which people 

are completing the work of banks through their mobiles through their mobiles and a person has

 to send money from one place to another or any other person. If a person has to give money,

 then he is also giving money to people through his smartphone. There are many other things 

that humans are doing through their smartphones and with the help of internet such as making 

online payments, internet banking, booking railway tickets, booking plane tickets, movie tickets,

 electricity Bill, water bill and so on. There are many other things that we complete through 

internet and smartphone, that is called digital. What I have told you above is the meaning of  digital. 

 Is expected No hope, I believe you all must have understood the full meaning of digital. Now we

 know that what is marketing about marketing is another word of digital marketing. Now we will

 see what is the marketing in digital marketing, what is the meaning of marketing ?.

(What is marketing?)

Marketing is about satisfying consumer needs and wants through an exchange” 

-Philip Kotler.


Marketing is not the art of finding clever ways to dispose of what you make. It is 

 the art of creating genuine customer value.” – Philip Kotler.



You must all understand that marketing means publicity. Means Advertising and Promotion | 

 But I want to tell you all. This publicity means advertising and promotion. This is all type of 

marketing. If we look at marketing, the meaning of this word is very deep. This is a marketing 

term or is associated with the market. And we all know the meaning of the market very well. 

Which means market. Market means where one person delivers his goods or his service to 

another human being. In simple words, one person sells in the market and the other person

 buys. Now that you have understood the meaning of the market, then let's talk about marketing,

 what it means is that how a person promotes his goods in the market and how he can reach 

more people.  This means marketing. Hopefully you have understood the meaning of 

marketing. Let's get a little more in depth about marketing. 

If seen, marketing mainly consists of three things.


  1. Awareness
  2. Attraction
  3. satisfaction

 Lets talkNow let's talk a little about these main three things. 

1.    Awareness: Awareness is the first part of marketing. Now all of you must be

 wondering what is the relation of awareness with marketing. So I want to tell you 

that awareness is a very important role in marketing. Now you must be thinking

 how? So let me tell you in full depth about him. How awareness is very important 

in marketing. So suppose there is an XYZ company. And it has an XYZ product 

or XYZ service made by XYZ company. And for whom has that XYZ company

 created that product and service? For the customer. Now think about the product 

or service that XYZ company has made. Will he immediately reach customers 

and will customers buy that product or service immediately? No no Now what

 XYZ company has to do is that customers buy their product or service. That 

company has to make the customer aware or aware of that product and service. 

Only then the customer will be aware of the product. Or they will decide to take 

that product. Hopefully you must have fully understood the awareness about how

 important it is for marketing. So let's talk about attraction now.


1.    Attraction: - Attraction is the second part of marketing. As much as necessary 

awareness, there is also an important attraction for marketing. So let us also 

know about the attraction in depth. How is attraction important for marketing? 

Like I told you in awareness that there is a company named XYZ and they have

a product and service named XYZ. In the awareness, we saw that we made the 

customers aware about the product and service of that XYZ, so what should be

 done now that people are attracted to that product. To buy. A company named 

XYZ will have to explain the benefits of that product and service to the people in

 a way that is helpful for you means the customer. When customers know how

 helpful this product can be in their daily routine, then they will be ready to buy 

that product or service. Now we all know about attraction too deeply that how it is

 important for marketing, then let's talk about satisfaction. How it is helpful for 



2.             Satisfaction  - Satisfaction is the third main part of marketing.Before that we read how

                                    awareness and attraction is helpful for marketing.

Now we will see how satisfaction plays a major part in marketing. In awareness, we 

saw that we made people aware of the product named XYZ and after that in 

attraction we saw how we can attract customers to the product named XYZ. In

 satisfaction it happens when a customer has purchased that XYZ product, then 

that customer uses that product. After using that customer, whether the result is

 good or not, he likes that product or service or not, if the customer likes that 

product and is satisfied with that product, then that customer will buy your

 product again. It does marketing.  


Hope you all know about marketing very well. Now we are ready to talk 

completely on digital marketing, so now we will talk about digital marketing. 




Before we started the topic of digital marketing, we learned about the Internet. After that we 

learned the meaning of digital and after that we gained in depth information about marketing. So 

friends, now we will know deeply about digital marketing, what is digital marketing? What is the 

benefit of doing digital marketing? How can we make money through digital marketing? How is

 digital marketing done? What do digital marketing consist of? Many such things that we will 

know very deeply.  


(What is digital marketing?)

Digital marketing is such a weapon in today's era. Which is a boon for small to big businesses. 

Small to large businesses or businesses are making their empire big with the help of digital 


 And in today's time, whether it is a small business or a big business, all are using digital 

marketing. With the help of digital marketing, small businesses and big businesses are able to 

reach their service and their products easily to more and more customers. And all this is 

happening only with the help of digital marketing. Now you must be wondering how small 

business and big business are making their service reach their product to the people? 

So let me tell you this is the digital age. And in today's era, everyone has internet service. And 

65% out of 100% people use internet and 65% people also use social media. There is more 

social media such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, YouTube, Snapchat etc. And in today's

 era, all small businesses to big businesses are using it.  

Now all of you must be thinking how they are reaching their product and service to the people

 using internet and social media. 

 So friends like I told you earlier that marketing means promoting any product or service. So in 

the same way here people also spread propaganda. But people call it online advertising. People

 invest their products and services to more people by investing a little money in this online 

advertising. And it is very easy to do all this.

And you must be thinking how do digital marketing? So friends like I told you that I am going to 

teach you all. So guys, I will tell you completely in the next blog, all of them one by one. So see 

you in the next blog. Hope you all have learned a lot in this blog. And you must have liked reading

 this blog too. So comment and tell what you all learned in this blog. And what have you got to 


 Thanks for reading up to here. And congratulations on taking a step towards success. 


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