How to Find Your Niche As a Blogger in 2022 (A Step-by-Step Guide)

Before you start a blog and find your way to blogging stardom, consider the following nugget of ancient Greek wisdom:

“The meaning of life is in attaining the highest form of knowledge.”

Incidentally, this is also all you need to know about niche blogging. When you become an expert in your field and have reached peak understanding in your topic of choice, your niche should automatically open up to you. It is that one thing that you want to excel at – and be known for it.

Once you’ve found a niche that fascinates you, use it to find the success and recognition you deserve as a blogger. This is your opportunity to have your views and opinions be the differentiators you need to stand out from the competition.


Brainstorm your topic ideas

Begin by first making a list of all the topics that excite you and make you want to talk about them. There are no restrictions – you can include any personal or professional interests to the list. 

Think of things you enjoy doing in your spare time; for example, do you love to cook, are you an  amateur photographer, or are you an avid programmer? A niche blog in any of these fields would be great as you could share your expertise and knowledge with your audiences.Now, consider all the things you would like to learn. 

For example, do you aspire to take cooking classes? Even if you don’t have the time and resources to enroll in classes, make your blog a repository of your recipes and adventures as a budding chef.

                 Lastly, contemplate all your plans and projects that are currently underway. For example, do you plan to go back to college to complete your education? There is no doubt that there’ll be a lot of research and decision-making involved in the process as you explore online vs. on-campus programs, various degrees, and more.

4 Tips for Finding Your Profitable Blogging Niche


Find your passion. Write about what you know. This is the great advice experts will give you when you’re searching for a niche to start a blog. But, it’s not enough. The key to building a successful blog is finding a “profitable” niche.

Finding the right niche is the most important part of building a blog that often gets overlooked. If you pick a niche with too much competition, your blog will get beaten down by high authority websites. If you pick a smaller niche with no demand, your blog will barely make an impact. You need to find a niche that’s in the middle and a niche that can also be monetized easily.

In this post, we’ll give you a few practical tips on how to find a profitable niche that can generate traffic to your website and eventually turn into a successful income stream.


1. Pick a topic you enjoy talking about.

Starting a blog is a really fun process. Buying domains, setting up the website, customizing the design and writing your first article is certainly an exciting experience. But, most people give up blogging after a couple of months because they often lose interest in it. So, it's important that you pick a topic for your blog that you also like to learn and talk about.

It could be about a hobby, your work, or it could even be about a new RV you’ve just bought. You don’t have to be an expert on this topic. It just has to be a topic that gets you excited when talking about it.

How do you make sure you pick an interesting topic to blog about? Here’s a quick test to figure that out. Take a pen and paper. Write down 10 blog post ideas just off the top of your head that you can write about. This exercise should help ensure that you are passionate about the topic you picked.    

2. Do market research.

The next step is to make sure that there’s a profitable and big enough market for your topic. This can be done with small market research. Here’s how you can get started.

For example, let’s say that rock climbing is one of your favorite hobbies, and you want to start a blog about it. Now, you want to see if this topic has a big enough audience and see how much competition it has.

Start the search with Google Trends. Type “rock climbing” to see if this topic has any interest and how many people are searching for it.

This step is important because this graph will show you whether the interest in your topic is stable, rising, or declining over time. Avoid topics that are declining in interest to build a blog that lasts for a long time.

As you can see, rock climbing looks like a great topic to blog about. Over the last 5 years, the interest in this topic has been stable, and it’s continuing to rise. This means you’ll have a big-enough audience to drive traffic to your blog for many years ahead.

3. Pick a smaller niche.

Let’s see what kind of competition you have for your topic. Search for your topic on Google and see how many search results appear for this topic.


Obviously, the topic “rock climbing” seems to be too broad of a term to target, and there are way too many websites competing for it. To avoid having to compete with big authority websites, you should pick a smaller niche.


If you scroll all the way down on the Google search results page, you’ll notice some of the other related search terms. Pick a search term and test to see how many people search for this specific term every month.

Head over to AdWords Keyword Planner to analyze the search term.


The term “rock climbing for beginners” appears to be a great niche for a blog. It receives around 1K to 10K average searches per month and it has low competition.


And, if you explore more keyword ideas, you’ll notice that there are plenty of other low competition keywords you can target on this topic. This means you’ll have plenty of great keywords to target through your blog posts.    

4. Make sure it’s profitable.

If you’re planning on earning money from your blog, then you should make sure that your niche is profitable enough to monetize your blog and help you earn a good income.

An easy way to test this is to see if any brands or businesses are advertising for your keywords. If people are spending money on AdWords to advertise products targeting specific keywords related to your niche, then you’ve picked the right topic.


This means you can easily monetize your blog with AdSense ads. However, a better and more profitable approach would be to sell affiliate products on your blog.


You can easily join Amazon’s affiliate program to promote its products. Whenever you send a buying customer to Amazon, you’ll earn around 10 percent commission on each product they buy.

You can write reviews about rock climbing gear and make lists of the best rock climbing shoes while linking to these Amazon affiliate products to turn your hard work into profit.


Make sure you have a well-thought-out plan before you start blogging in your niche – and select a topic that you’ll want to stick with for the foreseeable future.

With personal interest, attention from others, and the ability to create extra income, your niche blog can be a successful venture!

Once you find the right niche for your blog, start writing exceptional content that helps you to stand out from the crowd. Be consistent and keep blogging according to a schedule. It will take a while before you start seeing hundreds of visitors coming to your site and buying your affiliate products. So, be patient. Eventually, you’ll see the successful results of your hard work.


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